Kraken CTR Has Been Released - 25 Customizable Campaigns with up to 250 Actions Per Campaign, GeoGrids, Custom Recipes, Up to 10 Recipes Per Campaign, All Cloud Based, No Proxies, No Cell Phones Needed, Nothing to Install.
Ryan Leonard Kraken GMB Ranking March - April 2023
Brent Ranked GMB in 1 Week!
Generate High Retention Views
Videos, Websites, & GMB's Will Receive Views on a Random Percentage up to 98% Generating High Retention Views for Rankability!
Tool Searches Google & Youtube with a Google Browser Emulating Desktop & Mobile Devices
Random Watch Length Creates High Retention on Videos with Money Keywords
Real Views by Real People, The Viper uses Crowd-Sourcing to Generate Views, Likes & Shares
No SEO Knowledge is Required to Use the Viper Tools
The Viper Tools Are the simplest tools to use & Yet SUper Powerful!
Drive Social Signals - Generate Likes, Subscribers, Shares & Favs!
The Viper Auto Generates Random Likes, Subscribes, Shares, and Favorites to Your Video
Create Campaigns in Under 1 Minute!
Credit Cost to Use The Viper Tools
Credit Cost - 1 Credit Per 50-100 Searches
Get Paid to Run Viper on Your PC!
Earn up to 500 Credits Back Per Month
Unlimited Installs
Runs on PC
Earn Credits in Your Sleep!
Hands Free Video Watching!
Over 1,000,000 Videos, Websites, & GMB's Searched Since 2018!
The Viper Subscription Includes a Separate Mobile Phone 5G Network Paid for By The Viper
It is recommend that you run the Hydra on your PC or Mac, in order to earn credits
We use a 'Hidden Network' to minimize footprints in Google. Most if not ALL of the traffic that is provided by Kraken and Viper Tools is hidden in Google, it will NOT show up in Google Analytics, Google Console, Tracking Software, or anything else that tracks views. If this is a problem, DO NOT PURCHASE.
The Video Viper is no longer functioning as far as views sticking, it is however still ranking videos organically. Its included in the combo as a bonus..